Various K11 problems, please help!

Hi, I'd really appreciate advice on some problems I've had with my 2001 K11 recently.
It's been generally running ok, however very bumpy. Lifting the gas pedal even slightly causes the car to jump and jolt a lot, this also happens when changing from 1st to 2nd gear. It also feels quite sluggish, and is struggling more than normal with hills, even in 1st gear.

Any advice on the following things I've noticed would be great:
1. Noticed this very loud noise accompanied by a leaking sound outside the car whenever I leave it running (in neutral with handbrake) (video attached)

2. Loud noise I think is coming from the alternator bearings, not sure if this is normal (video attached)

3. There is this part just to the right of the engine that isn't attached to anything, not sure where is should go? (video attached)

4. Oil has leaked in a few places, including the bottom of the gearbox (photos attached)

5. There is another loud whirring noise everytime I put the clutch down (both while in neutral and in gear)

Thanks for reading!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! x
The engine jerkiness could be a couple of things, i would check the MAF sensor, ignition (coil and spark plugs) and injectors. If I had to judge just by listening to the 2nd clip (sounds good at idle) i would probably say check the MAF first of all.
1st clip sounds more like a rattle (Check near the belts or maybe an exhaust heatshield?)
3rd clip thats a breather hose for the gearbox if im correct (it doesnt attach into anything however on prefacelift i remember the stock airbox pipe had a ziptie with a hook looking tab to at least hold it in place and not be moving around)
To check leaks i usually try and clean the areas as well as i can cause sometimes you cant see where the oil leak/stream is coming from