someone did that with my last car, if you don't get any luck, buy a multimeter.
with the ignition off have one prong on a metal part of the car, and use the other to test all the wires, the live one will be memory.
Then turn on the ignition, another one will be live (as well as the memory one) that's the switched +12V
the rest are speakers, muck around to your hearts content, til you find two that make sound when wired to one of the stereo's outputs, note the speaker location and wire it into the correct output, repeat as necessary
That's how I did it, no doubt someone will have a better suggestion

Didn't think I did too bad, multimeter less than a fiver...
Also, my car didn't have a -ve wire, I had to wire the plug to a metal part of the car, actually the arial earthed it, but everytime I went over a big speedbump my stereo restarted, so I wired the -ve to the car's chasis
Like I say, worked for me, but just take care....
all you need for basic sound is 1 speaker +ve and earth, better than nothing, worth a go for your 150 mile journey.
if you have a spare 12v bulb and 2 wires you can make a makeshift tester...
According to the haynes manual, which may be lying (seriously)
blue / black = +12v switched
that and earthing the unit's -ve should be enough for it to power up
red / black = memory
brown and black / red is one speaker
and I could be reading this wrong,
black / white and blue is another
like i say this could be wrong. The manual is in black and white, and BW is not listed as a color, so I'm guessing it's black / white