Unknown gearbox ballbearings - ???

HI everyone,

My mum's Micra's clutch has died so I thought I'd fix it myself.

I've got it all off (which was a bitch of a job) and I've found the problem. The thing which squashes the clutch springs in is shattered inside the clutch housing. Anyway, I'll buy a new clutch kit or whatever and sort that.

BUT... As I was taking the clutch off, it wouldn't come off so I was fiddling around with other things trying to see if they could show me why the clutch wouldn't come off. I opened the gearbox, which I now realise I didn't need to.

AS I took it off, two ball bearings popped out of the gearbox. I've inspected the gears and looked online at diagrams and things but don't know where these ball bearings go? One is now loose in the gearbox which I need to get out and I have the other. What are these ball bearings from? Where do they go? I can't see why they would go.

Please help! Ha!

Thanks, Antony...
Thanks guys, that was a brilliant help! I couldn't have done it without you. LOL.

For anyone who may have the same problem, there are two ballbearings at the end of two of the three bolts which go into the gearbox.

Both bearings are spring loaded.
