Speed Humps Damage Tyres Inner Edges!
Tyre wear oddity answer is much simpler then wheel alignment operators and their equipment creating a gravy train of additional work and excess profits for them. Inner edge tyre wear is the visible tip of the iceberg of serious internal tyre wall structural damage due to speed humps. Do your own research to get the data based on long established facts avoiding anecdote.
“Can speed bumps wear out the inside of tyres if you straddle them?”
Honest John fired back: “That is exactly how speed cushions destroy the inner shoulders of car tyres. Always drive with one wheel over the centre of the cushion and one on the flat. You feel the bump, of course, but you don’t suffer hidden tyre damage that could cause a serious accident.”
In the past Honest John has written: “All types of road humps not only create potentially fatal damage to vehicles, they also cause tremors that damage the sub-structure of the roads from the continual pounding of vehicles over them (hence pot holes around road humps), and these tremors can also damage adjacent buildings. It’s time that crooked council officials who gave the job of installing these damaging obstructions to favoured contractors were held accountable.”
Quote: “They directly cause deaths of cyclists and motorcyclists. The mean-minded, utterly stupid Labour government brought them in. Borrowed government money funded them. Councillors, council officials and favoured contractors made fortunes out of installing them, despite local opposition. The result is damage to property, severe damage to vehicles, and deaths. But lots of profit for the contractors that installed the humps and a never ending profits gravy train for the motor trade repairing the damage caused”.
Heads they win, big business vested interests, tails the consumer loses. Enough said.
1) http://www.etyres.co.uk/news/tyre-wrecking-speed-bumps-give-honest-john-the-hump-15283.html
2) https://www.honestjohn.co.uk/askhj/answer/66969/do-speed-humps-cause-tyre-damage-
3) https://www.honestjohn.co.uk/askhj/answer/51068/did-speed-cushions-and-potholes-damage-the-insides-of-my-ford-fiesta-s-tyre
4) https://www.honestjohn.co.uk/askhj/answer/42265/are-speed-humps-causing-unusual-wear-and-damage-to-my-audi-a6-s-ty
5) https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Tyre+wear+and+speed+humps&client=firefox-b&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ve