Trottle re:soldering


» CMF Member
Member since:
Cisco > when you find a minute here some more things to add to the list of things to do on CMF :p > reword the page with the link to the TB Guide, to say "Following site member seano's (mighty_cg13de) diagnoses and technical knowledge in fixing this problem, site member alex (alex_b) has put together a PDF how to guide" > seano needs some credit there i reckon. And maybe try and organise a Donate to CMF, maybe via a paypal account? and put a link on the TB Guide PDF page saying if this was helpful to you please consider donating to the running of CMF, blah blah ect..

just a few thoughts,

Alex - oh and congrats, i'm happy you fixed your micra with the how-to guide.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yes thanks a lot both mighty and Alex for your great work on this top solution.

I definately have a growing list of "to do's" on the site.
Also an updated site editor team list is on its way too!

It comes in bursts. I've been slack for the past 2 months due to work ruling my life (how sad), I've been working on one thing in my spare time on this site though, and you will love it when its done.

Now I'm going to officially get stuck into all this CMF fixing up again tonight and this weekend. So thanks for the push along and I'll be fixing up and updating a range of things.


» CMF Member
Member since:
nothing wrong with work running your life if you love it, but yeah sounds like your loathing the busyness. Sounds like a few things to look for on the site and yep the list gets longer eh, thinking the same about my own site > big list of things yo do, need to find time to do them though,
