tooth ache?


One Way Mule
hi all..

Ive had a rotton weekend so far ...

Ive got a massive abscess in my 1st left molar..

It looks kinda like a cross between taking a cricket ball to the face by a fast bowler.. and having a golfball in your cheek..

Anyone had any experiance with these?.. on anti-biotics and im booked into the hospital this evening for an xray.. to make sure ive not got an old piece of tooth or anything lodged where it shouldn't be..
Ive got very good teeth.. Always make the effort with them..

Just always had a problem with this one tooth..

ARR!.. its killing me! lol
I suffer with abcesses a lot mate they are absolute agony, the antibiotics will take around 3 days to start working, dont consume any alcohol at all when on them 'coz it counteracts the properties of the antibiotic, and finish the course even if you feel better, as for the pain, get to the doctors, dentist or even the hospital and get a prescription for co-codamol 30/500mg, they will make the pain much more bearable. The worst one I had wouldnt respond to treatment and was so swollen I couldn't open my eye, I had to go to hospital to get the tooth removed, what a relief that was, it was like a cork coming out of a champers bottle, all the pressure was released and the swelling went down overnight, the infection tasted foul though. If you've always had trouble with that particular tooth then you should maybe consider getting rid of it.
sounds pretty grim mate. I've had a few dental issues recently and various different drugs. Which ones have you got? I had toothache for 6 weeks before they looked at it! even then they bodged the treatment up and still aches a little today. Dentists are evil!