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This is how we bought her back in December 2009, No Keys (broken steering lock, that's how we moved it if people started to wonder ha) and Cat C Write Off o_O!

After a bit of a harsh Winter and a couple weeks later then we should have, We finally got her home from the Salvage Company and set about getting her Alive and on the Road Once again! At this time we still hadn't passed our tests and didn't have a decent job as we both were only 16! So progress moved a little slow for a while! But after a few months we got some money together and bought another scrap Black Micra Passion and stripped it for all the parts we needed or thought we needed to get her on the Road or try to!

So from the Damaged car it was to this!:

When we got her to this Stage circa April/May 2010 (we both turned 17 in April and needed her alive to get ourselves on the road and learn to drive) we realised how hard it was to get around the NATS System on these little Nissan's! So we joined the forum and started to ask ask questions and built up our knowledge and understanding of finding a way around it! About a Month after joining we realised we were in a bit of a pickle as our little Eva was installed with NATS 2! We stripped the Ignition Barrel and Lock Set and ECU out of the other scrap one and put it into Eva. By the time we done this the other one was long gone and we realised we messed up and didn't get everything we needed to make her run :( as we missed the receiver/transponder box from the N/S of the dash and a couple of other things that you guys on the forum informed us about! We finally got so close but for the first time in about 6-7 months of owning her she had Ignition Feeds and Dash Lights but alas she'd only crank over as Immobiliser was kicking in! So back to twiddling our thumbs and thinking of a way round it another Month passed by and we decided we'd get ourselves to the local scrapyard and try get either a Pre-NATS wiring loom and ECU or a NATS 1 and get everything out of another Scrapper!

To our surprise the Scrapyard had an early NATS 1 K11 in so we stripped the WHOLE wiring loom and I mean completely everything wiring related out of it (ECU, Transponder etc) and swapped it all into Eva! Ran into a couple snags with it as turns out we needed a Key Fob to disengage the Immobiliser, which luckily we found it in the boot of the scrapper a coupe days later!

So she looked like this for a week or two while we swapped the complete loom over:

So after a couple of weeks we rebuilt the Interior, after we messed around painting bits and bobs like the dash, speedo as you can in pictures, putting CD player in, installing a sub and amp all the usual young Lad bits :p! She was put back together with a NATS 1 Loom and after checking feeds, making sure everything was plugged in, charging battery up and finding right keys for the 3rd Ignition Barrel we put in it to match the NATS 1 Loom!

We turned the Key on her and she FIRED UP STRAIGHT AWAY WITHOUT ANY HESITATION! And me and my Brother just celebrated like mad about it, couldn't of smiled anymore :D! We finally did it! We repaired and replaced so much on something that everyone had told us was a waste of time and money with it being what it was when we first bought it, We couldn't stop smiling for days! We hadn't had much Mechanical Experience before this car but we tried and tried and in the end it paid and we got Eva running when we thought we never would! :D:D:D!

BUT, we still hadn't passed our tests yet and we still needed to make sure she was road worthy enough for an MOT! After another Month or so we decided on trying to put her through an MOT as our Mum needed a car as her's had been wrote off and Insurance company were been a set off T***S, so we booked it in at our Local Garage (Where I now work :rolleyes:) for an MOT to see if she was Road Worthy! Low and Behold she Failed on a Rotten Crossmember :(! More Expense but we both decided we've come this far with her we may aswell keep going! So paid the Garage to replace the Panel and after a Week she was fully on the Road with a 12 Month MOT on her as off around September 2010 So for the next Year or so she was used between our Mum and Sister and us as we learned to drive!

So she looked like this for a while ( Shiny bonnet was rotten underneath so swapped it for another that we attempted to spray ourselves as you can tell o_O):

So for the Next Year nothing really happened to her apart from doing little bits and bobs and making her our own Car! Next MOT came by and she failed again :( this time Welding to Sills and if i remember rightly a couple of brake pipes! So brought her home and between My Brother, Grandad and I we patched her up sorted the pipes and got her Roadworthy AGAIN for another year!

So 2011 for her was pretty quiet and she was still running like a dream! ( We still hadn't passed out tests yet either :( )! Moving into 2012, I finally passed my test in June and I finally got to drive the car we had put so much time and effort into for the past 2 and a Half years and I couldn't of been happier or more excited :D!

2012 - 2013 was pretty eventful for Eva as we changed and modified her quite a lot! She got Coilovers, New Wheels, Induction Kit, 1.6 Almera Injectors, Modded Thottle Body, Bucket Seats, Peter Lloyd Exhaust and many other bits and bobs :cool:! Eva in her best form:

Anddd then we come to her downfall and the reason why she's been off the road for nearly 3 Years :(! I took her to work with me for her Annual MOT and the Rust was killing her, Inner and Outer Sills, Floor Pan and Various other jobs needed to pass :(, I didn't know what to do so I put her in the Garage and used the Nova we bought earlier in the Year and restored and repaired (when we first got it photo):

So when I got home, Had a word with the Brother and we decided that we weren't gonna give up on her :eek:! So into the garage she went and stripped down she got! We filled the shed with most of the parts from her! Unfortunately other commitments and not enough time (both had full time jobs by this point) or space she slowly got left more and more as the weeks went by :(! In the End after about 6 months of failing her MOT and being sat doing nothing we needed the Space in the garage back for another more pressing Project! So she had to go :( we nearly Scrapped her at this point but didn't have the Heart too and so we rang our Uncle who just bought a Farm if we could store it there for a while until we got everything sorted out at home, to which he agreed to let us!

My Brother never got to drive it in the End as he didn't pass his test until Middle of 2014! So we decided to buy another Micra for him as his first car ( His Red 1.3, My Saxo and our Friends Mini) so we both had a Micra as our first cars :D! In the end the Red one became to rotten to use and we stripped it down for more parts for Eva (for when we would finally decided to get her back home and start the project!) so the shed became even fuller with Micra Parts :rolleyes:!

So as of October 2013 Eva was about dead and in February 2014 she went up to the Farm to be stored for what we planned to be a few weeks or months at most! Those few weeks or months turned into 3 years :oops:! And that's where her story ended until 20/02/2017 when we finally decided to go and pick her back up and Start the Second Revival of Eva :D:)!

When I first dragged her back out:

Loaded onto Trailer:

Back Home in the Garage Again!:

And So Micra People that's the Story of Eva's First Revival and her downfall :( and Now I start this thread for her Second Revival as like I said at he Beginning, we're too attached to let her go and so she's home ready to live again (at some point) :D!

Oh and for the anyone who has read all the way though the Story I have wrote, Thank You it means a lot and I just felt like I actually finally need to tell her story :)!
