Ex. Club Member
Been having issues with the car for a few weeks every time i start her up. After about 30secs i get a waft of sum hideous smell (the missus said it smelt like cat poo & litter!) that then goes away, i checked things like the water thinking it may have gone nasty but that was fine, then checked the air filter to see if someone had been a pain in the arse and pushed something down there but clean as a whistle, not surprising as i never smelt anything with the fans on.
Gave up the search for a while until a few days ago when i happened to be noseing around in the engine bay when i caught a whiff of the smell again, at which point i knocked the cover off the windscreen washer tank and was greeted by the smell of a thousand accumulated eggy farts!
Or to put it a better way it smelt more like someone had kept rotten fish in it for a few months then used it to filter human waste, i have never been so close to wretching my a***hole up in my entire life!
Gave up the search for a while until a few days ago when i happened to be noseing around in the engine bay when i caught a whiff of the smell again, at which point i knocked the cover off the windscreen washer tank and was greeted by the smell of a thousand accumulated eggy farts!