At the end of the day, we have a massive variety of people here at the MSC, young, old, hashtag users, low n slow brigades, mouthy, polite, socially silent types, geeks, the slightly confusing cool kids who seemed to get the wrong bus in to the msc, stern, funny, sarcastic and some damn right cool people. We all bring something different, but what really ****s me off, people who have an issue but don't communicate. Life is about communicating, learning how to communicate with a whole variety of people, so pull ur heads out your arse and stop mumbling. If you love the MSC and you don't want to see it go to ****, then put ur feking hand up and volunteer to change it for the better. and @[USER=1]James[/USER] you best ****ing be there to get them involved. Your responsibility when taking on the MSC was to organise us, organize us to make your life easy. Bloody utilise the tools at your reach. We are all here.