Tailgating & "Boyracers"


Ex. Club Member
Does anyone else get this problem? i have noticed it alot since i added a few things to my car, i was at some traffic lights the other day and some bloke was reving the nuts off his golf next to me..i had someone tailgating me all the way to work aswel today..a few other times i have had people trying to race me aswel, it wouldnt bother me too much as obviously i dont race but my mum drives my car and she always jokes about how people are trying to race her, but one stupid accident and it could be a disaster..is real annoying now!!
I get that all the time, i rev up back (slightly), and then pull away really slowly, then they look the fools...:p

EDIT: Im not as crazy as I used to be, im more of a cruiser...:p
You'll find its because you've got lights on your car (the clear ones). They all see thme and think, ach he'll be up for a bit of sport surely. Nobbers though. Try and drive my car and not get any hassel with it! ahah
hmm for me its more normal looking cars or vans or busses or lorries that tailgate compared to modified looking boyracers. but that might be because i am legend and they are all too scared to take me on.
Titch said:
You'll find its because you've got lights on your car (the clear ones).

yeah that is literally all it is, i mean apart from the colour coding and the induction kit there is nothing else special about my car at all..still its all fun and games getting tailgated because of my taillights fwn lol
Tailgaters really bug me. The other day I had a particularly bad one - I had been in a 30 zone, doing around that speed, and she had been sat right on my arse. We then got into a sixty, so she soon disappeared in my mirror. Yet as soon as I got into another thirty, there she was all of a sudden - she zoomed up behind me and sat literally inches from my bumper. I honestly thought she was going to ram me. Then - and I kid you not - we went past a primary school, and what does she do? Put her foot down and overtake past a playground. She then roared off up the hill (still in a 30). Clearly she wanted to do 50 in the 30 zone and 50 in the 60 zone.
It happens to me all the time in carlisle they no am not gona race them so i dont no why they do it, plus i never got pulled over by the police till i started to mod the micra.

jarthur05 said:
Tailgaters really bug me. The other day I had a particularly bad one - I had been in a 30 zone, doing around that speed, and she had been sat right on my arse. We then got into a sixty, so she soon disappeared in my mirror. Yet as soon as I got into another thirty, there she was all of a sudden - she zoomed up behind me and sat literally inches from my bumper. I honestly thought she was going to ram me. Then - and I kid you not - we went past a primary school, and what does she do? Put her foot down and overtake past a playground. She then roared off up the hill (still in a 30). Clearly she wanted to do 50 in the 30 zone and 50 in the 60 zone.

That bugs me when people do 50 in a 30 and then 50 in a 60 and speed nr schools and playgrounds
Happens to me quite a bit, its very annoying considering one mistake on there part will cause your car to get damaged or probably written off. Two fingered salute usually goes down well.
i generally speed a little bit by 5 or so mph. but then when someone tailgates i drop straight down to 30 (could be undercover copper). then they get closer (copper wouldnt do this they would keep a safe gap) so i go to 25, then 20, then 15. this REALLY annoys them hehehehe. love it
people tend to tailgate a hell of a lot getting into newcastle, particularly along the felling road.

there was one guy (long curly hair, blatant prick in daddy's car) in an estate, i was in the right hand lane cuz i was turning left at the lights, doing the speed limit less than 20foot from the lights, he hoofed up behind me, sat on my arse, flashed his lights at me, cut the guy on my left up, undertook me, cut me up to get back in the right lane, slammed his breaks on in front of me and gave me the fingers! ####er
then some lass sat on my arse in the left hand lane so i slowed down, thinking she'd overtake me, she didnt, so i slowed down some more, and she kept crawling up my arse so i touched the brakes and she #### a brick.
My mate johnny went one better though, there was a totally chavved up white corsa, big wheels, kit, drainpipe pretending to be an exhaust etc, sitting on his bumper instead of overtaking him and shouting abuse out the windows at him. so he pulled his handbrake on. i so wish i had been there!!!
I generally put my foot down... maybe not too wise but hell im an ass on the road. Actually, this might explain the steady destruction done to my car. Perhaps I'm pusing it too hard :s
i have to say actually im a really bad driver if micrasok or runnaway robot see this thread they will tell you im always speeding past them...not stupid speeds tho
nizzanz1 said:
hmm for me its more normal looking cars or vans or busses or lorries that tailgate compared to modified looking boyracers.

Mmmm, me too. Maybe because you have a modified car, they expect you to put your foot down. Hell, I'm still under the new driver's act, I'm not going to lose my license just because they want to speed.

jarthur05 said:
Tailgaters really bug me. The other day I had a particularly bad one - I had been in a 30 zone, doing around that speed, and she had been sat right on my arse. We then got into a sixty, so she soon disappeared in my mirror. Yet as soon as I got into another thirty, there she was all of a sudden - she zoomed up behind me and sat literally inches from my bumper. I honestly thought she was going to ram me. Then - and I kid you not - we went past a primary school, and what does she do? Put her foot down and overtake past a playground. She then roared off up the hill (still in a 30). Clearly she wanted to do 50 in the 30 zone and 50 in the 60 zone.

Hmmm, my favourite type. Example - blue Pug 206 today - no more than 40 on a 70 limit dual carriage way, then right up my arse when we hit a 30.
happens all the time, normally just as i pull out of my street, just up the road theres a dual carriage so they get up my rear just to shoot up the dual carriageway. if its a car i know i can out perform.... i usuallly floor it so they look pants in front of there mates!
Gemma85 said:
i have to say actually im a really bad driver if micrasok or runnaway robot see this thread they will tell you im always speeding past them...not stupid speeds tho

lol i drove past u the other day....didnt notice till i was down the road lol
Gemma85 said:
i have to say actually im a really bad driver if micrasok or runnaway robot see this thread they will tell you im always speeding past them...not stupid speeds tho

"christ look at him, he's flying along! no, wait, its gemma *beep*"
runaway-robot said:
lol i drove past u the other day....didnt notice till i was down the road lol

were was it next to the golden lion on bolden lane who was that!! a red k11?? ---oh actually i think its dave cant remember

Layla said:
"christ look at him, he's flying along! no, wait, its gemma *beep*"

:glare: I was late an old man needed tablets asap!!
Courior said:
i generally speed a little bit by 5 or so mph. but then when someone tailgates i drop straight down to 30 (could be undercover copper). then they get closer (copper wouldnt do this they would keep a safe gap)

the police tailgate in west cumbria. they act like street racers tryin to get a race then when you start to speed up they pull back and then pull you grr
I just put my foot down and they soon give up, best one was a civic type r which couldnt get past me lol
i was out with my biker mates and we were going to a show in peterborough, doing 80ish on the a1 minding our own business, went into fast lane to overtake as u do and some rich boy in his dads 911 turbo tailgated me and my mate. we moved over and let him pass then immediatly jumped back on his tail and stuck with him no matter how much he tried, poor little turbo wheezing away. then we got fed up and undertook him and waved as we went past. hehe that made my day.