Supercharging N/A 1.2

Just brought myself a 2016 Micra cheap as it needs a new clutch and brakes and a few other bits. I’m planning on turning it into a fun little project car (potentially even a road/track build) and want to make more power.
It’s got the NA 1.2 making 79bhp. After some time on google I can see that the DIG-S is supercharged and was wondering if it was possible to fit the supercharger from a HR12DDE too a HR12DE or if it would be to complex to tackle.
I might be completly wrong but the challenges I can see would be the electromagnetic clutch on the supercharger (can this be deleted?)
And potentially that the DDE runs on the miller cycle - will I need to change the head to one from a DDE or will the supercharger work absolutly fine regardless.
Has anyone attempted this before?
Alternatively if supercharging isn’t an easy option are there any turbocharger kits for the K13?
Would be really interested to hear of anyone doing this and any links to others K13 builds for inspiration.
In short - no, it's not a direct fit

Slightly longer answer, if you chuck some money at the problem and make custom mounts and work out how to spin the pully, chances are you will need to also go down the road of an aftermarket ecu, then yes in theory it's possible ..... but its probably not worth doing however given the easiest route would be to buy a Micra with a DDR engine or do an engine swap.

I am not aware of anybody sticking turbo's on the N/A or even swapping the supercharger for the turbo (the latter, I think that would be a big mistake.... now owning a 1.0L turbocharged Ibiza, I really miss the instant power from the supercharger - Nissan got that 100% right!). It will however be possible to do, but you may find the limits of the internals fairly quickly!
Just brought myself a 2016 Micra cheap as it needs a new clutch and brakes and a few other bits. I’m planning on turning it into a fun little project car (potentially even a road/track build) and want to make more power.
It’s got the NA 1.2 making 79bhp. After some time on google I can see that the DIG-S is supercharged and was wondering if it was possible to fit the supercharger from a HR12DDE too a HR12DE or if it would be to complex to tackle.
I might be completly wrong but the challenges I can see would be the electromagnetic clutch on the supercharger (can this be deleted?)
And potentially that the DDE runs on the miller cycle - will I need to change the head to one from a DDE or will the supercharger work absolutly fine regardless.
Has anyone attempted this before?
Alternatively if supercharging isn’t an easy option are there any turbocharger kits for the K13?
Would be really interested to hear of anyone doing this and any links to others K13 builds for inspiration.
After researching the process of installing a Turbocharger on an NA petrol engine, I straight away gave up hopes of ever doing it on my K13 mostly because it involves either knowing how to do it and owning all the equipment needed for the job, or knowing the right people who are capable of doing it perfectly who also own a proper garage.

Anyway, if you have the budget, time, and resources to get the job done perfectly, Micra can be Turbocharged.

Supercharging a 1.2 L NA engine may not be productive even if doable.

Sent from my NE2211 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
Thanks for the replies!

Unfortunately not as simple as I first thought it seems. Was a nice idea to turn it into a little sleeper but not gonna happen it seems.
Dosent seem to be any aftermarket support for the K13s like there is with the K11s. Gonna keep it as my daily for a bit until I’ve sold my other car then find something fun I can modify easily!
Thanks for the replies!

Unfortunately not as simple as I first thought it seems. Was a nice idea to turn it into a little sleeper but not gonna happen it seems.
Dosent seem to be any aftermarket support for the K13s like there is with the K11s. Gonna keep it as my daily for a bit until I’ve sold my other car then find something fun I can modify easily!
Yes, not simple at all but if you wish to learn the process involved in Turbocharging a Micra, there is a guy on YT who has successfully Turbocharged his Micra and has made a video on it.

Sent from my NE2211 using Micra Sports Club mobile app