


any help, I’m getting an m45 supercharger to fit to my micra, does anybody know how they fit on to the mini, has it got a plate or is it a direct fit to the engine. if its a direct fit any ideas of a compeny that could manufactur a plate so I can mount it ? :ghostface
thnx I see, when I fit this I will have to make up a transmision to run it, this I understand, will I have to uprate any of the fueling system or computers, don’t supose you know what sort of hp increase I can expect from this supercharger as I can’t find any stats on the net
firszt you will need to find somewhere to mount it that will allow it to spin in the right direction.... and also get a pully added to the crank pully or extend the blet from the altornator or somthing like to actually run it.

then you need it plumbing in with an intercooler as superchargers get warm. you will need some way of limiting the boost it puts out a wastegate of somesort adapted will work. adn it will need a piggy back ECU or a full ECU to controll fueling and ingition. then it needs setting up on a rolling road.

Have no idea what BHP youll gain or how long the lump will last so could all be for nothing ... :(
do they run clockwise or anti clockwise, i already have an idea of how i want to fit it but these extra bit lie the ecu etc i wouldnt know wich ones etc
IIRC the micra runs anti clockwise and the charger clockwise or the other way round i know when we looked at it it wopuld have to be mounted facing the engine to get it to run the correct way. but theres no room to do so.

ECU wise choices are endless whats your cash flow??? lol
not massive but i dont mind waiting and saving to do it properly, sounds daft but a parts list is what i think i need, technical list that is
thnx mate, mega helpfull printed parts list spot on, there cars are awsom!
I am pretty sure that the micra runs clockwise and so does the charger, but I may be getting confused. Orientation would not be a problem as long as the pulley is turning the correct way, unless it has to be a certain way up

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