Super S Vin number needed.


» CMF Member
Any Super S will do.
I'm trying to order some Super S parts but the spares guys need a Super S vin number to search by and as I only have SLX's I cannot give them what they need.

Can anyone with a Super S please give me a Vin number.. Post here or PM.

Or alternatively the part numbers for the Super S front bumper, rear bumper, and fog lights.



» CMF Member
Yeah, that meet really was something. I remember walking back outside from Maccas just as the whole convoy came in, really great.
The hook cover should be included it was on the bar I'd bought for the Green Micra.

Ordering parts back then was easier as well, the parts guy I used to deal with was great, he's long gone and all the current ones cannot find a thing unless you give them a VIN number.
