Stripped engine mounting bolts by overtorquing


I was replacing the valve cover gasket following the procedure in this video:

Like in the video, I removed the five steady-bar bolts on the top but only loosened the two bolts in the back (the ones marked with 11510AL in this diagram:

In the Haynes manual (images 4.4a and 4.4b on page 2A5) the part that I only loosened is referred to as the rear section of the steady-bar. They also give 45 Nm as the torque for steady-bar bolts, so that's what I used for the two bolts in the back also.

Long story short, the two bolts in the back were actually much weaker and I stripped them both by overtorquing.

I have a few questions I would like to get help with:

1) What is the correct torque for the two bolts in the back? Is 45 Nm correct for the top bolts? I haven't found the correct page for this information in Nissan's service manual, and the Haynes manual got me in trouble in the first place. Please let me know what pages to look at if you know.

2) The OEM part number for the stripped bolts is 01125-S815E. They look quite standard so I assume I can find suitable replacements from a local hardware store rather than ordering them from Nissan. What and how should I measure to find suitable ones?

3) I believe (or hope, rather) that I have only destroyed the bolts as they seem weaker than the part they attach to. Is there a way to make sure? If the new bolts go in fine, can I assume everything is ok?

Thank you for any help you can provide.
Nissan's manual has a diagram of the engine mountings on page EM-65. But the mountings in the diagram are different from what I have, so it doesn't really help. Does a newer manual exist that covers the different mountings used over the years?

Based on the size of the stripped bolts I would guess that the correct torque is somewhere around 15-20 Nm, but please let me know if you have some information or thoughts about this.
The stripped bolts have the marking BUFO 8.8, and I believe they are 25 mm long M8-1.25 flange bolts.

According to several sources the ideal fastening torque for class 8.8 M8-1.25 bolts is ~25 Nm, so I think I'll try that and see what happens.
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