Snowing heavily here in Canberra


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!

I just drove home. Snow settled all over the cars up through Flynn/Melba/Mt-Rogers. Way to go! White stuff all over peoples' grass and trees etc.

Looks fantastic. So surreal, makes it seems like you're living in this weird snow village town.

Damn, only sopping wet and no snow at my place though. But just up the hill (about 500m to Sean's place) its snowing there right now with quite decent flake sizes.


» CMF Member
Member since:
For sure mate!

I wish it did this every weekend. Its just a little, not enough to stuff up the roads. Just lovely.

I'll be keen to get up early tomorrow and check how much is up on the hills and possibly even out the front of my house.


» CMF Member
Member since:

i have seen fake snow, i have seen compacted snow on the side of roads.

but i've never actually seen real snow fall. Its just one of those things....

mind you i dont like cold temperatures so its highly likely i'll never ever see real snow lol

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah well it passed over Tassie before it hit the mainland.
Does not snow where I live but is a 5 minute drive to the snowline at the moment.
Great weather to let the spanner slip and bark your knuckles. Anyway too cold to pick up anything metal.
You can have it. Novelty has worn off. Too bloody cold and get sick of chucking buckets of water over the company car ( lives outside ha,ha) to get rid of the ice off the windscreen.
Turn up the electric blanket and come to bed baby !!



» CMF Member
Member since:
I just went for a drive up to near the top of Mount Rogers.

Its stopped snowing, but because its under 0deg right now, the snow was just happily settled and fluffy as ever.

We took the dog and ran around throwing snow everywhere.

Absolutely awesome! The dog didn't know what it was.

So still plenty of snow up there right now to slide around in.


» CMF Member
Member since:
ahhh very nice, i wonder if it'll snow whilst i;mm hanging about on the wayt to and from melb,

Alex *crosses fingers

btw cisco did you get my email a few days back re: yourself and jamie-lee and next week?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah mate thanks heaps. Just been so snowed under (hah).
Been lazy and only posting messages on the site pretty much.

Really appreciate it. And your idea sounds great. Its getting closer now. My flight is booked. Will write a proper reply back to you ASAP. Looking forward to it!

I don't think we'll see snow here for another 3 years now. I think it only happens occasionally (3-5 years). Bah!

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
Member since:
F... its cold. Had to pour water over the company dual cab so I could open the door.Bloody ice inches thick.
Then turned it on a left it for 20 minutes.
Where snow is near me happens about every 3/5years that it gets so close.
Family Hack going to visit it this weekend. All that cold air!!
Another 2kws??


» CMF Member
Member since:
Haha I reckon. My engine feels so strong in this ridiculous cold.

-8 tonight in Canberra apparently.

Plenty of snow around this morning on the side of streets and grass etc. Lots of white roofs. Looked awesome.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Posts: does not indicate -8, hmm. But that was what some guy said.


» CMF Member
Member since:
AHHHHHHH damn it always snows when i not in canberra. i in sydney with work.... damn. oh well. i seen so many micras here. i saw a nice gold super s in the city the other day n seen a few others.


» CMF Member
Member since:
gee i didn't know that tom, but it was 100% freeeeeezing today, it got colder as the day progressed, the westerly? wind was tainted with ice, lol, max temp at work was 14deg, back down to 8deg at nockoff, but i guess that's t-shirts and short weather for the southerners. But mate the wind > yeaooooouch :D



» CMF Member
Member since:
I heard that the temp was in single figures most of the day and last night was 8.

Today was the first day it was colder outside than inside the warehouse i work in.

Also a bit of trivia today was the coldest day in August since 1929....


» CMF Member
Member since:
If any of you guys and gals go to the Ekka in Brisbane theres a thing there set up called Snow World so the little kiddys can play with snowman, After the weather we had today you would be better of having something there like Sunny World where you could play in the sand and make sand castles and not have to wear so many clothes...


» CMF Member
Member since:
Snow rocks dudes.

Loving this cold. Love this snowing at my house.

I hope the mass theory about global warming is wrong and that the world's weather operates on large cycles of say 100-200 years before it repeats again..

Not sure if that is the case, but I hope this special cold stuff never runs out and is gone for good.

There is still plenty of snow down here up on the Brindabellas and Corin Forest etc, but in Canberra itself its all well and truly melted and prob won't see again for another x years :)