sleeper wheels


» CMF Member
Member since:
Allright, bought these, picking up tomorrow.

Cheers to micra-man for the heads up.

BARGAIN, and can't wait to slam just for a sleeper effect for a while..

Probably going to get some stupendous 165s or something just for kicks.


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» CMF Member
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I already hand-tested a set for fitment. Micra-man came over recently and I pulled one of his off and slammed it onto blue monster. Fit just nicely and would rotate perfectly when done up without scraping on anything.

They will fit.

Uber ugly! :) Uber factory :) Ahh :)


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hehe nah the swift guys are a good bunch of guys..

Yeah I remember that old thread.. That was mostly a misunderstanding of the way I had worded that article. I would probably find it semi-harsh if someone had written that about a micra also. But what I was saying was "The GTi is a factory performance car, and if we can do some very simple things to a micra which is intended for grannies, then it says a lot for the micra's motor etc". I think some of them back then perhaps took it as if I was thinking that "wow a modified micra can beat other non-modified cars" which is like well err obvious.. Modify anything and it will eventually beat everything if you keep modifying it with unlimited budget heh.

But what the hell, a drag against a swift would still be ultra fun anyway just because they are a known zippy car and are therefore a good benchmark to test your own car against.

A drag against one of their fast turbo ones would be even better! :)


» CMF Member
Member since:
For sure.

$172 TOTAL off ebay. Thanks to micra-man who has been looking out for some for me. He always seems to know when a set of these rims pop up for sale.


» CMF Member
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All right - got 'em.

Get this - all 4 wheels fit in the Fairmont's boot. Bahah.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Next you will be telling us Bluey can get in there also.
Must admit the Aussie6/V8 is good for carting stuff around.
Still the old Leyland ( shudder) P76 took the prize in that department.
Talking of Bluey??


» CMF Member
Member since:
The big inline 6. Its a very smooth engine.
Not rough/raspy like the Holden V6.

Did I tell you that my first car was a Leyland/Morris Marina?? What a piece of crap! But very very funny to muck around on. It was a 3 speed automatic, rear wheel drive, 1.5L petrol hehe. What a bomb. Its suspension was like the opposite of what you want.. Super stiff over bumps, like BANG/CRASH kind of thing, but ultra soft and the car would almost tip over around corners. Front torsion bar suspension, rear leaf springs - ikkk..

Will ring up first thing on Monday to get the latest news on Bluey and hopefully go and pick it up. Its possible that it might be ready to be picked up.


» CMF Member
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Wow they are in very good condition after a clean up.

They were covered in spider webs and brake dust. But they look really good now.


» CMF Member
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That was my second car, Cisco, after a VW beetle. Sold to me by my grandmother who said.."there's nothing else like it on the road" lmao and she was right! Sold it to some bloke for $100-00 fully registered and that included the Gregory's mechanic's guide (which set me back almost $50) No fond memories of that car, it kept grinding teeth off the starter ring gear thingy, I broke down 5 times in one day and had to call the RACQ, the last call he told me to get rid of it, quick! lol I even offered a wrecker money to take it off my hands, but they all refused.


» CMF Member
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Yay! Exact same thing happened to mine.

Yeah Marinas notorious for the ring gear wearing out (literally chipping/smashing whole teeth off the flywheel) and when you turn it off, if the flywheel lands in a position where there are no teeth near the starter motor, then the bloody thing won't start next time round!

Used to be able to pop the hood and rotate the hell out of the fan belt (was very hard to do) and could rotate the flywheel into a better position where there were more teeth for the starter to grab hold of without grinding.

Yeah my damn Marina broke down like that MANY times!!! Bloody things.. We ended up getting near gear for the starter motor which was a much easier job than replacing the entire flywheel. This gave it a much less chance of breaking down because the old starter motor gear was badly worn from the hacked up flywheel gear damaging it. Bahahhaa.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Gee memories. Mate had a Marina with the "red" six motor. Yep a 6 cylinder motor in a car out of the showroom that could not handle a four. Went like the clappers until it hit 100 kph then the whole car used to shake and shudder like it was about to fall apart.Luckily for him he drove it into a big gum tree ( he was not hurt apart from a few stitches) and the insurance coughed up.
Why did British Leyland go broke??Any half decent car they inherited they soon stuffed up big time.
Anyway I learnt to drive on an Austin Lancer and I tell you what you had a lot to master.First time I tried to give it a few revs and pop the clutch one broken axle.My mums car !!
My first car was an MGTF 1500. Fried in summer and froze in winter.A brief flirtation with an Austin Healy BN3 then along came the minis and went from 850 to Cooper and then an S.THe S was the most fun I ever had. Pretty well king of the road in those days.


CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Yep but when the 3rd child came along it became a bit of a squueze.
Traded it in on a Toyota Corona station wagon.That did over 250,000 kl before it was retired.Had it for just on 20years.
Must admit it never gave a moments trouble and when it was sold still was not burning oil but the rust had started to make inroads and timing chain was rattling a fair bit.
Yes gone back to my roots somewhat but da Micras a wee bit faster and more comfortable.
Very soft spot for the Cooper S but a softer one for the Micra.If Nissan had persisted with the Micra K11 I wonder what may have come along. Standard 4 wheel discs, better trim, a bigger engined version and a rally version. The guts of a real pocket rocket is there but well it never happened.Missed opportunity by Nissan but currency exchange and all those cheap rubbish Korean cars at the time killed it in Aussie.
Anyway there is a core of us Micra nuts out there who have realised just how good a car it is.



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» CMF Member
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I have had 8 cars, the Micra is by far the most reliable, economical of them all. However, having said that, I still have a soft spot for my 3 series BMW M Tech Sports which had a certain grunt, especially when doing higher speeds (we won't say what) how it seemed to hug the road and feel so damned solid. My son has it now and its still a fine machine, even though its 18 years old now. The micra feels a bit "light" when going quick... tempted to put some bags of sand in the hatch area to keep it down on the road. The worst car I had was a 2 litre Escort Ghia which had been modified, extractors and stuff, it spent more time at the mechanics than on the road, I must have rebuilt the thing. Funny thing was, the guy I sold it to let his girlfriend have a driving lesson in it and she wrapped the thing around a tree, a week after he bought it. What a waste! Was reading some blogs on the Suzuki Swift site, apparently their dealerships leave a lot to be making you wait 8 months for your new car, and when delivering it, you get it dirty, scratched and empty of fuel. Scary when you think about what new cars cost with all their extra charges, at least Nissan gave me what I paid for.


» CMF Member
Member since:
How's this..

Marina / Micra.

About to sell the piece of crap and just got the micra !

Man that micra was immaculate then in only like 1999 - only 4 years old shesh. Had 57000Km on the clock or something.


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» CMF Member
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Ah ha funny stuff.

My Marina was beige. Just doesn't show up very well in that pic. Can kind of tell its a bit off in colour from the micra's white etc. But yeah terrible quality photo! :)


» CMF Member
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All I remember is the kids sitting in the back picking at the perished rubber around the rear windows. Oh, and everytime you washed it the black ran out of all the rubber side trims onto the white duco so it constantly looked like memories