Selling a set of micra 160sr springs. Off a low mileage (35k) car. Collection bath or bristol only.
Just taken them off, as replaced with new eibachs.
Just taken them off, as replaced with new eibachs.
Hi ..
Are the new springs to lower your car?
Just curious as that’s what I want to do on my 2007 k12
Yes. My 160sr has only done 36k. But I completely renewed suspension and added eibach pros. Replaced suspension due to age.
It handled very well previously, but back end was bumpy/bouncy over bumps/pot holes, so at least shocks needed doing.
160sr has lower springs than a standard micra. Eibachs lowered it a further 2.5cm.
Lower ride height is better, and corners better. However, think lowering it, has negated benefit of new shocks.
Am.going for a wheel change. 185 65 14, and see what that's like.
Been reading up, consensus seems to be that large wheels and low profile tyres are not a good idea on small cars. Also, the lighter the wheel, the better. Sr alloys seem very heavy.
Fantastic now on good roads, but most of my driving is in a couple of cities riddled with pot holes.
I'm keeping my standard sr springs for now in case.
Been watching cars driving along. Saw a micra cc bouncing along a good road today. That has same standard wheels of 185 50 16, as sr models.
Car rides better lowered, but think lowered, therefore stiffer eibachs, have negated benefit of new shocks, as the bumps/bounce is similar to what mine was like stock, with old shocks.
Just trying different things at mo.
Might end up doing adjustable air suspension.
160SR springs fitted to my Sport + made a huge difference to the handling of the car. As well as being about 25mm lower than the standard springs they are a different spring rate and much firmer....... I hope that you are not disappointed with the ride that the Eibach springs give you, haven't a clue what spring rate they are, whether they are the same as standard or the original Sport chassis springs..... I suspect that the spring rate is standard, just shorter....
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I left the front shock absorbers standard but replaced the rear ones with Koni's..... and have these (20mm) on the back....
Yes tyres are 185-50-16, on standard SR 6J wheels. (also standard fitment on the Sport+).... The 20mm spacers just 'correct' the disparity between the front and the rear track width (and nicely fill the rear archesLooks very nice. The stance is just like a 160sr. Am not going to sell the 160sr springs in case.
The further 2.5cm lowering by the eibachs is perfect. Just we have lots of large pot holes in my city.
See you have wheel spacers on the back. Bloody hell, that's a very wide rear wheelbase you have. Are your wheels 185 50 16 ?
Yes tyres are 185-50-16, on standard SR 6J wheels. (also standard fitment on the Sport+).... The 20mm spacers just 'correct' the disparity between the front and the rear track width (and nicely fill the rear arches). I was initially going to fit 16mmspacers, but because of the very long centre spigot on the rear hubs 16mm ones would not sit down on the hub face so went to 20mm. They have been on the car now for about 20K miles with no problems, though before fitting them I did fit new bearings to both rear hubs........
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Yes tyres are 185-50-16, on standard SR 6J wheels. (also standard fitment on the Sport+).... The 20mm spacers just 'correct' the disparity between the front and the rear track width (and nicely fill the rear arches). I was initially going to fit 16mmspacers, but because of the very long centre spigot on the rear hubs 16mm ones would not sit down on the hub face so went to 20mm. They have been on the car now for about 20K miles with no problems, though before fitting them I did fit new bearings to both rear hubs........
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No issues with pot holes with the Koni's on the back. OK on the 205 GTi that was the size tyres on mine. The 1.9 GTi's had 15 " wheels......Common sense says I ought to try going back to stock 160sr springs. I think the eibachs are stiffer.
Did lots of reading on wheels, and cant
Think eibachs are stiffer, have to admit. I dont want to.lose the ride height they give though. The front is okay with pot holes, it's the rear that's the issue. Fitted kyb excel gs on rear. Do you have any issues with pot holes at the rear with yours?
Had them with standard 160 springs.
Did a lot of reading. Seems like low profile tyres are a fad/fashion thing on small or not excessively powerful cars. Looked back at the hot hatch greats, 13 inch rims were used, slightly bigger for some 205 gtis.
Going to give 185 65 14 wheels and tyres a go, and see if any better.