Ok so the story goes...
I had just parked up at work last night when my mate who just pased his test two days earlier drove in in his fiesta, went to park in the space next to me...
i thought to myself:
"My he is getting a little close"
Then i realised he had crashed into me
Got out had a quick scoot around, down the rear wing and back corner of bumper was scuffed and scratched down to the base. He said sorry etc and i said its fine etc, he said he would pay for it to get fixed...
Today i decided to try and polish it up etc and see if i couldnt sort the wing myself at least, polished it... brilliant, wet and dried it down a tiny amount then when to laquer it....but i picked up the primer didnt i? Oh well an hour later still no better but im going to see a few people on monday to get prices..Anyone have any rough ideas how much it will be to get fixed? No dints or out, just paint damage. I mean rough as in £50 or £500 type thing/..
I had just parked up at work last night when my mate who just pased his test two days earlier drove in in his fiesta, went to park in the space next to me...
i thought to myself:
"My he is getting a little close"
Then i realised he had crashed into me
Today i decided to try and polish it up etc and see if i couldnt sort the wing myself at least, polished it... brilliant, wet and dried it down a tiny amount then when to laquer it....but i picked up the primer didnt i? Oh well an hour later still no better but im going to see a few people on monday to get prices..Anyone have any rough ideas how much it will be to get fixed? No dints or out, just paint damage. I mean rough as in £50 or £500 type thing/..