

Me, Tommo, sunny in his CG13 supercharged march and Richardmicratwist are on the jap-n-crazy stand at this event ill be getting my car on the rolling road that will be there drag track is abit busy to make paying £40 abit much!! we are camping saturday and sunday so will be there for both days..

if your not doing anything get your arses down its a top show one of the best of the year! and CHAV free!!!

Raceworx said:
and CHAV free!!!

especially after last year when a 2.0 corsa self destructed up the strip and the commentators layed into it big time lol

good weekend.

deffo worth a browse, even if you only go one day. but that takes the fun out of camping. ie - cooking your bacon/egg brekky IN your tent. raceworx. lol
lol ill be there on the sunday then! hopefully in time for ians in-tent breakfast :p jks.. that made me pmsl tho, can just see ian doing that...
my raymeers servival skills at there best!! when all else fails cuck it all in a pan and cook till brown... looks like sick but tastes like bacon in sick :p
Would seriously have considered coming along to this but I'm afraid I'm going to be in a cottage in Norfolk that weekend :(

Would have been interesting to see Ian's Ray Mears Bushcraft style cooking skills. Bet he'll be making canoes out of logs soon ;)

Hope it goes well for all concerned anyway.....
Raceworx said:
my raymeers servival skills at there best!! when all else fails cuck it all in a pan and cook till brown... looks like sick but tastes like bacon in sick :p

man - jae's sunday breakfast was damn cool lol

when the gas dies? bung the lot in one pan. beans sausage bacon shibby!

cant wait for this years show antics - ive even braught an air bed so i can be reasonably comfortable!
on the link it says the 28th & 29th of may, which is a sunday and bank holiday monday. so i think i may go on monday, depending on cash cos i don't get paid til wednesday.
you make it up and say hello just dont bring the sister in law whos car i stole :S lol has she got a yellow one? i think i saw her..
Raceworx said:
you make it up and say hello just dont bring the sister in law whos car i stole :S lol has she got a yellow one? i think i saw her..
i'll try and make it.
no she has a silver 1.3 si. she is in greece until monday, so i don't think she'll go anyway.
i just checked where this is!!

its going to take around 3hours to get there. I might as well camp over then im not prepared to travel 6hours in one day!!