i took all the solenoids out and checked them for continuity and with 12v's to make sure they were clicking and changing state - well, one of them wasn't! i wish i'd checked those before my plumbing but such is life
anyway, to see if i could get the system to work i scavenged a similar looking solenoid off a Nissan Pulsar N16 which when i blew air through it and changed its state, seemed to work the same as the other solenoids on the car...
now, according to the diagrams i've got, this particular solenoid when stock works the opposite direction to the other two (which work) so i'm not 100% if i've solved my issue but maybe some of you guys will have an idea weather this will work
i can change the polarity of the solenoid but i assume that would leave to it burning out from constantly having current running through it or not switching at all.. my knowledge of them is pretty limited, i assume if they can handle a vac signal (from a NA car) that they are fine with positive pressure also but i don't know that either!
here's a pic of what i used to replace the old one...
the part number on the one i pulled out (that doesn't click) is
anyway, to see if i could get the system to work i scavenged a similar looking solenoid off a Nissan Pulsar N16 which when i blew air through it and changed its state, seemed to work the same as the other solenoids on the car...
now, according to the diagrams i've got, this particular solenoid when stock works the opposite direction to the other two (which work) so i'm not 100% if i've solved my issue but maybe some of you guys will have an idea weather this will work
i can change the polarity of the solenoid but i assume that would leave to it burning out from constantly having current running through it or not switching at all.. my knowledge of them is pretty limited, i assume if they can handle a vac signal (from a NA car) that they are fine with positive pressure also but i don't know that either!
here's a pic of what i used to replace the old one...

the part number on the one i pulled out (that doesn't click) is