Wondering if anybody can help me with my car (W Reg Celebration model 1.0) recently I was driving along normally and my speedometer, fuel gauge, and temperature gauge went to zero. I stopped and turned the engine off and back on, but made no difference. I got a car specialist to look at it, all the fuses are fine, all wires behind the cluster were checked and looked at with the assistance of a haynes manual. Speed sensor, fuel sensor, and temperature sensor are fine. We soon ruled out it was the cluster, we then bought a second hand cluster from the scrapyard (same model, 55k miles) which worked fine before fitting to my car, it lasted for all of 5 minutes before having the same problem. Anybody experienced this before? Going to a Nissan dealer is a last resort as I can't afford the expensive diagnostic checks. I love my car and I'd hate to give it up over such a small thing, the rest of it works perfectly and it hasn't been modified at all. Any help would be appreciated
thank you ^^