Problem with lights

Hopefully you intelligent people here can help me!

I have a problem with my trusty old Nissan Micra. It is a 98 model, and I have owned it for about 4 years now.

The problem:
The drivers side headlamp has been a bit dodgy for a while now (more than a year) and has pretty much disintegrated one of the wireholders for the headlamp. This causes the wires to not touch the bulb where they are supposed to. I have managed to keep fixing this by just twisting the wire around the headlamp bulb and just keep on doing it whenever it comes loose. Hardly a brilliant solution, but it has been working OK! I get a 'warning light', which is actually that the full beam indicator turns on when the headlamp is not working. Not sure if it supposed to do that or if it is just because something is not earthing properly/shorting.

I think the problem may have been caused because the rubber cap was slightly damaged and water seeped in or something... I have bought a new wire-holder for the headlamp and was just going to solder it on and use a bit of electrical tape to seal it and just hope for the best.

I just want confirmation that this might actually work!

The other problem I have started in the last month, whenever I turn the headlights on, my drivers side brakes stay on ALL of the time. They don't turn off when I press the brakes, and it does not affect the passenger side brakes at all. I have tried changing the bulbs, but I suspect it is linked to the headlamp not working properly, but am not sure!

Does anyone have any ideas about what the problems could be here? I plan on spending some time repairing it over the weekend, but it would be good if someone here could give me some clues and confirm/correct my suspicions!

Oh, I also have another problem which occurred this evening when some idiot pulled out on me and nearly killed me! But anyway, I had to slam on my brakes and instinctively beeped my horn. I think I broke it. I suspect it will just require the fuse replacing, but it is still making a quiet sound when I press it, so I am not 100% sure.

If anyone has any hints or tips for any of these problems, I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance!

hey, sounds like you need a new horn to be honest mate, im a bit baffled about your brakes staying on whilst your headlights are on. most probably a wiring fault
the new conector will cure the headlight .the horn is a bad conection or unit. the brake light will be the wrong bulb almost certian, or a bad earth on the light unit

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