I've got a 1998 1.3GX & the gearchange on it is rubbish (to put it bluntly)
! I'm told that this could be caused by the bushes/universal joint type thing at the end of the rod (that links the gear lever to the gearbox) being worn/distorted. I've replaced the little spring, that often breaks & causes problems, so I know that this is ok. I've also removed the rod, freed off the universal joint type thing (it was seized solid), lubricated everything as much as possible to & then put it all back together again! This has improved things quite a bit but the gearchange still isn't very good. I still can't get a clean change from 1st to 2nd - it always feels notchy & sometimes won't even go into the gear! Until the car is warmed up & has a couple of miles under its belt the gearchange is poor when I'm changing into any gear! The gearchange improves the more the car is driven so that 2nd - 3rd, 3rd - 4th, 4th - 5th (& vice versa) are all reasonable (certainly much better than when the car was cold) but it's never what you'd call slick.
It's almost like the clutch is lazy & not disengaging before I select the gear I want to change into. I know it's a cable operated clutch so could it be that the cable is worn/partially seized & needs replacing? The cable looks ok (though obviously the inner cable that actually moves is hidden) & the pedal feels ok too.
I've been told that the bushes/universal joint type thing aren't available from Nissan & that you have to buy the whole rod complete - at about £70+!!! Can anyone confirm this?
Many thanks
Many apologies - just realised that I've posted this in the wrong section
Have just now posted it in the correct K11 section - so could someone please delete this for me!!
It's almost like the clutch is lazy & not disengaging before I select the gear I want to change into. I know it's a cable operated clutch so could it be that the cable is worn/partially seized & needs replacing? The cable looks ok (though obviously the inner cable that actually moves is hidden) & the pedal feels ok too.
I've been told that the bushes/universal joint type thing aren't available from Nissan & that you have to buy the whole rod complete - at about £70+!!! Can anyone confirm this?
Many thanks
Many apologies - just realised that I've posted this in the wrong section
Have just now posted it in the correct K11 section - so could someone please delete this for me!!