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i couldn't wait to update with the test results but I believe it works brilliantly:)

so this morning i assembled the windage tray & pickup

[ATTACH=full]29861[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]29860[/ATTACH]

mounted it on the sump filled with water and the first test was the long constant cornering by tilting the sump


compared to the previous designs, this new vertical trapdoor worked gr8 cos most of the surging fluid was seen outside the girdle cage area and only some of the fluid had time to get past the holes n gaps under each cylinder but the result is the fluid was shielded from the crank area for a longer period therefore I can drive round such long high G corners for longer period before the oil pool starts to hit the crank

next is to test against sudden high-G cornering by throwing it around laterally


and the result is it works fantastically:D

as the pool of fluid is forced across the sump so quickly, the force and pressure of the fluid trying to get past the vertical gates pushes em shut. plus the fluid didn't have enough time to seep through the gaps. so all the cylinders appeared completely dry and you could see the fluid was forced around the outside of the girdle cage instead

really happy bout that. now lets clean it up and finish building this engine
