Ex. Club Member
Had this shown to me tonight!
Feature is here----->
It says (not very well)
You think, if do not be suitable they small cars for tuningu? That it city Micra autko, is possible it for foundation of roof trunk what only tuning ogranczyć? Nothing erroneous more! It has driven (has caused) for such form Neil Micrę SR, that among considerably soundest cars dreaded even. They let's see that character can swindle city autko Nissana. There is person not depend on which (who) Neil szpanowaniu, but on professional modifications. So, he (it) has been changed in similar degree outside Micra as well as inside. But they let's begin all of can evaluate from this that , or from external appearance. Performed changes after habituation (acclimatization) for aggressive lump begin sighting. We will notice (will remark) changed front bumper, firm is producer which (who) Impul and on order make brewki. We will see aggressive thresholds going it gauge and remade barbecue with net. White traffic indicators be visible (be visible) from flank also. When no doubt, < unmistakable > on white back lamp-shades of lamps already outstrip call attention (pay attention) Micra, from seat pad of bumper zaadoptowaną Ibizy and enormous end of expiration. In order to car was led better, hook-up has been lowered about 45 -mm in front and about 35 from rear -mm. It commutes on 15 " Micra alufelgach, conduct improving (correcting) < correct > equal as well as appearance of car. In order to it did not look " fiat 126 (baby) " well < goods (right) > Nissana, and also it commuted well < goods (right) >, expiratory match has been modified, catalyst dispatch (erase) from which (who) and it end 4,5 canister calową. Certainly < obvious > it has not did without exchange of filter on sports also K&N. They have not bypassed changes interior of car also, which (who) except professional sounding, several additional indices (indicators) has gained also. It has changed also Neil tapicerkę, now which (who) has -red color black and it adjust racial for it exclusively Micry. You think (consider) still if can small not be beautiful (fine)?
I dont think the bbq bit is meant to be in there, just the stupid translator! But how comical is it that its true! lol

Feature is here----->
It says (not very well)
You think, if do not be suitable they small cars for tuningu? That it city Micra autko, is possible it for foundation of roof trunk what only tuning ogranczyć? Nothing erroneous more! It has driven (has caused) for such form Neil Micrę SR, that among considerably soundest cars dreaded even. They let's see that character can swindle city autko Nissana. There is person not depend on which (who) Neil szpanowaniu, but on professional modifications. So, he (it) has been changed in similar degree outside Micra as well as inside. But they let's begin all of can evaluate from this that , or from external appearance. Performed changes after habituation (acclimatization) for aggressive lump begin sighting. We will notice (will remark) changed front bumper, firm is producer which (who) Impul and on order make brewki. We will see aggressive thresholds going it gauge and remade barbecue with net. White traffic indicators be visible (be visible) from flank also. When no doubt, < unmistakable > on white back lamp-shades of lamps already outstrip call attention (pay attention) Micra, from seat pad of bumper zaadoptowaną Ibizy and enormous end of expiration. In order to car was led better, hook-up has been lowered about 45 -mm in front and about 35 from rear -mm. It commutes on 15 " Micra alufelgach, conduct improving (correcting) < correct > equal as well as appearance of car. In order to it did not look " fiat 126 (baby) " well < goods (right) > Nissana, and also it commuted well < goods (right) >, expiratory match has been modified, catalyst dispatch (erase) from which (who) and it end 4,5 canister calową. Certainly < obvious > it has not did without exchange of filter on sports also K&N. They have not bypassed changes interior of car also, which (who) except professional sounding, several additional indices (indicators) has gained also. It has changed also Neil tapicerkę, now which (who) has -red color black and it adjust racial for it exclusively Micry. You think (consider) still if can small not be beautiful (fine)?
I dont think the bbq bit is meant to be in there, just the stupid translator! But how comical is it that its true! lol