PistonHeads.com: Lorry Driver Caught Smoking Is Fined £260

I'm surprised with the police being so busy with important crime that this ever made it to court!
There's an article on PH about a bloke who's just been banned for the 48th time and he's only just been threatened in court with a possible prison sentance. I mean stuff like this is more important, and you've got even more important crime than driving offences.

The bloke admitted his guilt so surely a fine through the post would have done.
Where's the proof that he even did it?
Where's the offending Ciggarette butt?
Does the Dog warden have a Photograph of said offence?
Were there any witnesses?

The answer is no. Therefore there is no case.

There is a case however of wasteing Tax payers money on a scapegoat. The Dog warden has obviously no work to do.
Do the bloke for littering yes but there was no need to get the Courts involved.

If i were him i'd go back and get the Ciggy butt and then put in an appeal....lets see how the system fails after that.....grr
i dont see how he can be done for littering since a fag but is made of paper, cotton and tobbaco all of which bio-degrades within a few days.
lol...didn't think of that....yeah...where's the evidence? this is a weird case...it's like the bloke actually agreed to pay without even thinking whether he could get off or not...how stupid is that? no no no, it's not stupid, it's plain crazy! Der!
i dont see how he can be done for littering since a fag but is made of paper, cotton and tobbaco all of which bio-degrades within a few days.

Well dog warden obviously on a power trip and doing them for whatever they feel they're able to. there was a case down south of a young girl who dropped a crisp on the floor, and in came the CSO's or whatever and gave the parent a fine. Totally rediculous

I was stopped by a 'parking services officer' tooled up like robocop in a local multi story for speeding, when you can only realistically do 10mph before slamming on the brakes. said he'd get me banned from there for speeding & dangerous driving! I laughed, but he was so serious! Wrote down my registration and everything. I just said he's not the police & needed a court order to ban me from a public place, but he was talking like he was judge, jury and executioner. There's no speed limits in the car park either but the jobsworth wasn't having it.