PistonHeads.com: European Commission Meddling?

....so important that it had to be metioned twice!

Most of the spiel that comes from Brussels is bull....not that anyone gives a S*** anymore or even gave one in the first place.....it just proves that no-one can be trusted to do anything for fear of 'hurting themselves'...what a pathetic notion coming from an un-elected bunch of so-called do-gooders...t*ats the lot of them.....

I've been driving for 15 years without the need for ABS, TCL, Air-bags, side impact bars, and all the other so-called "life savers"...blah blah blah blah BLAH!
Some people who have it obviously can't drive and therefore should never have been given a Driving licence....christ, people can't even park without the use of a proximity sensor.....get a frickin' pushbike.....IF you can ride the bloody thing.....

buzz buzz.....