That's sweet but i'm not that good anymore...but I'd love to be
Chris, though i can't afford the £12,000 piece of paper if you know what i mean <_<
I used to make loads of banners and stuff for a fan website i helped on a few years ago for a popular Sci-fi TV show kinda sick of the arguments and left because real life was being a bit harsh to me at the time...never went back...
which probably annoyed some friends i had there...
...the show got delayed showing here...and i was always behind anyway, became a bit tricky to keep up and moderate conversations about episodes i wouldn't see for another six months
..but my art is still up on the main site header ^_^
I saved up for a couple of months and bought Phototshop CS5...But i don't really
get it yet LOL
...I learnt using a free program called
The Gimp and use PS elements for more dificult selections using the magnetic lasso tool...very handy...
...pretty easy if you follow the right tutorials