Part number for Rev Counter Clocks?

Hi all, sorry to have to make a new thread, but does anyone happen to know the part number for an instrument panel, with tachometer to fit a K11 facelift (1999)?

In my desperate quest to try and find a set, I managed to find one online via a site that searches scrappies, but they wanted the part number to confirm whether or not it will fit. I've tried Google and unless I'm putting in the totally wrong thing, I'm getting nothing but a supposed database on nissan4u which doesn't load...

It's the digital version if that helps.

Any help appreciated!
i think there are 3 types basically stuart, the 3 plug/connector prefacelift, the 1 plug facelift, and the japspec :)
Thanks guys, can anyone load that page and grab the number cause it's just timing out for me.

EDIT: It loaded but I just get a black page with a white bar at the bottom.
its just gonna confuse matters stuart, its not "cross referencing" properly, there will be pics of the different types posted up on here somewhere
Ok so I decided to email them directly, asking a few questions. They replied saying they were not the rev counter type, despite the listing being a 'rev counter'. Good job I didn't hand over any money :confused: But the search continues...

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