Parking sensors not working ?

Hi I'm sure this has been asked before but I just bought a micra urbis 05 with parking sensors but when reversing near anything there is no sound at all ? The reverse light is on so I'm not sure what to check. I just would love to know how to get them on again even though I don't think I necessarily require them for my own parking :p

Is there a switch or anything ?

Many thanks !!! Ryan

After being brave I found where the parking sensor box is ! If you remove the carpet from the left hand side of the boot where the rear left wheel arch is... You can see cabling running into the rear left tail light. If you reach into the big gap beside this there is a small-medium sized black box held by Velcro. Each of the 4 parking sensors connect into this box as well as a 5th which is named buzzer . This is the cable you need to remove to disable the parking sensors noise. And voila !

Annoyingly the one and only owner before me had cut the wire for it so I guess I'll have to solder it in place if I want to turn them on again...and then if I decide to turn them off I WILL UNPLUG from the box which is a MUCH easier to reverse process.

:D hope this helps many people as I could not find any help at all regarding this and there were many blogs asking the same question!
Oh, nice one!...I'll be telling my dad this...mums parking sensors drive me nuts!!!...and she doesn't listen to them anyhow LOL
good job, have fun sorting the wire ;)
What do they sound like ?! Lol I'm not sure i even want them on but I just wanted to know how to get them working so at least I know now :). My parking isn't that bad ;-) although I came from a ka so it's a bit bigger!'s an annoying beep... LOL
which starts to become constant, no matter how much you protest, as you en-crouch on an gate/wall/hedge/fence/caterpillar behind you ;)

I'm not sure how else to describe it? o_O 90's mobile phone message tone or something :p
So glad I don't have 'em :p
but I can see how they can come in handy in instances where the wall/bush you're reversing towards is lower than your back window ie: you can't see it ^_^
well, you know they're can hook them up if you want :p

ETA: it really depends how likely you are to back into something?
if you can see what you're reversing towards the beep becomes a little redundant...but if you can't?

After being brave I found where the parking sensor box is ! If you remove the carpet from the left hand side of the boot where the rear left wheel arch is... You can see cabling running into the rear left tail light. If you reach into the big gap beside this there is a small-medium sized black box held by Velcro. Each of the 4 parking sensors connect into this box as well as a 5th which is named buzzer . This is the cable you need to remove to disable the parking sensors noise. And voila !

Annoyingly the one and only owner before me had cut the wire for it so I guess I'll have to solder it in place if I want to turn them on again...and then if I decide to turn them off I WILL UNPLUG from the box which is a MUCH easier to reverse process.

:D hope this helps many people as I could not find any help at all regarding this and there were many blogs asking the same question!
What year was your Micra from. I have a 2008 model tekna and seriously it's been not working for five years and never ever found the buzzer location.
My solution ? Hatchback Car Reverse Helper Wide Angle Rear View Mirror Fresnel Lens.;)
Just changed this technical part to new one due previous getting yellowish due sun shine!?:)
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