After being brave I found where the parking sensor box is ! If you remove the carpet from the left hand side of the boot where the rear left wheel arch is... You can see cabling running into the rear left tail light. If you reach into the big gap beside this there is a small-medium sized black box held by Velcro. Each of the 4 parking sensors connect into this box as well as a 5th which is named buzzer . This is the cable you need to remove to disable the parking sensors noise. And voila !
Annoyingly the one and only owner before me had cut the wire for it so I guess I'll have to solder it in place if I want to turn them on again...and then if I decide to turn them off I WILL UNPLUG from the box which is a MUCH easier to reverse process.

hope this helps many people as I could not find any help at all regarding this and there were many blogs asking the same question!