Paint fading

Hi my k11 paint is fading due to sun does anyone know if polishing will refresh paint?

You cant really tell on pic but I'm sure anyone who owns a red micra knows what I mean lol.

I know what you mean, my red prefacelift really showed up when i put freshly painted bumpers on them. (Although very shinny from polishing it is still a faded colour)

I found megiuars ultimate compound good but a lot of work (and i mean a lot) and still not perfect, so im going to try thier 3 stage system with a DA attatchment for a corded drill
4 stages 1 g3 compound you can use your hands but end up like popeye!! 2nd t cut again you can use it by hand 3 i use autoglym polish 4 autoglym wax done hundreds of vauxhalls in red that look pink lol