Number Lights?


Ex. Club Member
i saw this today and though it looks brillaint... i think its marks car... anyway it looks brilliant and i want to do it to my car... but how would i go about doing it?

(the Number Plate Lights Removed)


the one light has been removed! thats it really, its obviously gonna involve filling the hole and spraying the boot again.

and yes it was my car :)
Its his car so his decision, and clearly wants to as wouldnt have enquired about it otherwise :rolleyes:

Take the metal plate on the inside of the boot of, then remove the bolts that hold the light on from the inside. You'l then need to fibreglass over the hole. Fill it from the outside, sand down and spray....
Nice One Arnold thanks bro... So the only thing i need to worry about is the paint... cheers for your help...

As for Mark... not worth it??...even after i said your car ''looks brilliant'' you still insult my car... and think your so much better because its a super S... Super whatever you want you have no right to treat any member like that...

Get out your other side of bed tommorow...
Mark have you MOT'd your car like that yet? I thought that the numberplate had to be illuminated by 2x 5w bulbs and you'd be hard puched to say that one light is illuminating anything.

I still think the best numberplate light mod is to bring the lights in around an import plate sized numberplate, March style.
