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Not Super just S

Hi there, seen as every one has a blog, I am having one, just got to work a

way of getting pictures of it, as everytime I hook my phone up, next day my

mouse and keyboard dont work and it needs reinstalling.

So i got my k10 micra from this car, it is a the 1 liter super, 92 model. Got it

from the bloke for 120 quid, spent about 300 quid, giving it a service. now it

runs very fine, very smooth for a k10. I then had to get the mobilser switch

move out the car lighther and else where so i could use that.

I then gave my mate a beer and ask him to sort out this car seat cover,

cause i couldnt stand the scottish seats,while i got my other mate to wash

the car, there both did a good job. I then had an enoth of the lose clutch

pedal, so i got it tightned up, now no free play, all the best up the traffic

light, also did a job on the gear stick, but got the unverisal one, so it dont fit

quite right, it wolby but fits.