» CMF MemberGuys I've already searched for this problem but come up short 
When the micra is full locked turning or around 70% full lock turning left or right there is a weird sound that never fails to make itself heard every day leaving the driveway.
It sounds like a constant ticking noise, like tick, tick, tick, tick - about 1 tick every 1/3 of a second.
Any ideas what it is? I'm guessing it's from the wheel area BTW
I changed my CV front left and right only 1 year ago, I'd surely hope its not them...
When the micra is full locked turning or around 70% full lock turning left or right there is a weird sound that never fails to make itself heard every day leaving the driveway.
It sounds like a constant ticking noise, like tick, tick, tick, tick - about 1 tick every 1/3 of a second.
Any ideas what it is? I'm guessing it's from the wheel area BTW
I changed my CV front left and right only 1 year ago, I'd surely hope its not them...