new micra


» CMF Member
Member since:
I've always really disliked the shape of the K12, but there's one or two exceptions around in japan that aren't too bad. Though it has to be in white, with good rims to suit.

The K10 was too boxy for me, though don't get me wrong, the superturbo version was insane! The K12 is too bubbly and looks like they just started changing things because they could. The K11 however is very subtle and is such a nice car to drive/work on, which is probably the reason they're still so popular (at least with us).



» CMF Member
Member since:
It was easier than having to replace the shifter in my mate's FC. Stupid thing was loose as and we had to replace the washers in there. Was such a pain.

I didn't mind working on it that much :p I was just happy to do it myself. :)



» CMF Member
Member since:

That is awesome.

Well they're easier to work on than say an Altessa Bluebird/GTi-R..

But never the less, main things are still a pain in the bum :)


» CMF Member
Member since:
Ok maybe it's just that I find it fun to work on :p Though most things have gone right with it, which helps.

Haven't had the misfortune of having to work on difficult stuff yet, but i'm sure it won't be long...
