new member/vendor on board

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Hello im new to this site, i saw that i have some traffic from this site to my ebay store so i decided to join. Im looking on become a vendor on this site, pls administraors any help will be appreciated on how to get this going and let me know payment options. I carry most headlights and tail lights for those cars, anyone you dont see i can still get it. Im from the USA, thanks for having me.
Welcome to the MSC. I've sent a message to Kev who runs the club about your trade enquiry. In the meantime, your links have been removed (you have to be an official member to sell on the MSC)

If you haven't added an email address to your profile, then post one below so Kev can write to you
ok i have my email updated im awaiting a response, thanks.

i saw a link in my account where you can register for 2.50pounds for 20days..can i use this? thanks.
Hi there...

I have e-mailed you the trader packages.

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