urm u clean flywheel with a rag & brake/carb cleaner till it's shiney?
remove old release bearing, swap retainer clip onto new one.
wipe clean all the dirt off the input shaft collar, input shaft splines, clutch fork end,
smear some grease on input shaft collar, input shaft splines, clutch fork end, where release bearing touches the PP.
also a drop of oil into where the clutch arm pivot swings on the bellhousing.
do NOT spray wd40 inside ur gearbox n contaminate the gear oil. only use wd40 outside. inside engines n gearboxs must be kept clean & proper oil.
ermm did you yank! the driveshafts off the gearbox via pulling on the shafts & dislodging the inner boot rather than follow haynes guide on carefully levering the inner CV out the gearbox via a small access gap with flat-head?