My Micra!

Great stuff mate. :) Brings back memories of when you had your black grille and then when you had the silver kit on at JAE 04 lol. Good work. :D Looks great now too.
Cheers people :)

Micra Man, the car was ok with a black grille, certainly not as hideous as the silver kit! looking back, i cant believe how nasty that looks!

A mate of mine bought the top gear book of crap cars and glued a picture of my silver kitted k10 to one of the pages!! made me laugh, but from then, i knew it had to go Red.
Fantastic mate, even managed to squeeze my rubbish micra in ;)

Great site though! Did you use a particular software package for the pictures and thumbnails, or do them all seperately?

I need to do something similar for my website :)
Hi mate

The copyrights were added using something called 'Eyebatch'. Can also resize, do shadows and tonns of other stuff with this program. Really easy to use too.

The thumbnails & pages were then automatically generated using something called 'Egg'. The JAE 04 and 05 pages have been tweeked slightly but with the My Micra page, i've just copied the thumbs from the generated page into another pre-typed page to finish it off :)

Egg automatically puts a script into view the page at full screen, but Ed gave me grief about this so removed it! lol.

I may have the setups somewhere if you cant find the downloads online, so could fire them over to you :)