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ok, well long time no update ;-)

finally got round to collecting a few bits of bleasdale and after a good natter set off home with my useless phone directing me through bolton town centre to go back to manchester???

Front splitter 90% fitted, just need to secure it in the middle, but it is well secured at each side with some good bolts...no half measures :D

skirts need fitting (look like drain pipes :D)

"ultra" open mouth as bleas put it needs to be sanded down and evened out, primed, sprayed and then new mesh fitted behind it so it looks nice and new

still need to get the wire brush cup out and grind down the rust on the top of front disks and the rear drums & steelies

nice new SR clocks curtesy of mullet all fitted and tried to use seb_'s guide but the pinout which he says to use if i wrap a piece of wire around the cable insides and then run it up to my clocks the tacho still doesnt work so something is wrong somewhere but have no clue where. resorted to wiring straight from dizzy again also, does anyone know if i should fuse the wire from dizzy to tacho?? would rather have a burnt fuse than a burnt out tacho ;-)

some new LED SMD's from ultraleds nice & bright now

need to strip the centre console bit out and give that a nice colourful spray, dont know whether to spray front or back half of the dial cowl and then need to sand and spray a nice patch which was repaired (badly) before i got the car

remove cocker cover and spray that...getting sick of boring dull silver/grey under the bonnet, might need a new gasket as the one on looks quite worn and looks like really bad sealant round the edges, like bathroom sealant when it runs and then sets in big clumps

pics will be up in the morning or afternoon, depends on how bad my hangover is :)
