My knob is stuck, not a joke.

I'm on my 3rd K11. For some reason the rubber gearknob on the latest one wont come off. They usually unscrew easily and allow me to put my nice replacement one on! I've tried looking for a previous post, but couldn't find it for k11's.

The k.n.o.b won't turn at all and its like the previous owner has superglued it. I've thought about some wd40, or adding some heat to the shaft with a mini blow torch, if the worst comes to the worst I'll grab the hacksaw but that feels drastic.

Anyone else had a stiff k.n.o.b (no pun intended), how did you get it off?, cheers
Mine was glued on prev.

Tea towel and some mole grips. Tea towel over the knob (Saves damaging it too much) apply the grips nice and tight then gently apply pressure anti-clockwise.
Oh god maturity....

Mole grips and towels should got it off, if that doesn't work i guess the only option would be to cut it off
Cool advice, but sounds really painful if you get it wrong, it wont snap off at the base will it?
I've already tried heating it with a blowtorch, that didn't work, it was still stiff and I couldn't pull it off.
The last thing I want to do is cut my k.n.o.b off really, but sacrifices have to be made.
Grinding into a hexagon is a possibility or I could stick something up the hole in the bottom and lubricate it until it feels nice and loose in the hand.
No I wont be replacing it with a dil-do. it will be an aftermarket k.n.o.b, the only problem usually that that these end up vibrating.
Not really looking forward to a vibrating k.n.o.b but looks nice and all the ladies will be impressed by my box.
Any other ideas?
the lower rod will stop it rotating at the base blanes, i would saw a slit down the side personally, and split it open :)
We had this trouble with @micrapros knob :p when I found him a new one :D what I did was held the shaft tight in neutral and with my foot pushed and kicked the knob :) x
I had to cut my nob off on my old fiat - Someone had glued it on, ... Took a hacksaw to the center then split it with a chisel right down the middle - Came off a treat.. Especially as im female! bahaha!
Is this tread for real ?
I'm sorry if its for real but it's made my day and I laughed my t*ts off

Yes it was for real. In the end I managed to slice most of my k.n.o.b off with a hacksaw.
I applied a bit of force to the lower shaft, gave it a couple of jerks and it eventually came off. It was a very happy ending:)
Yes it was for real. In the end I managed to slice most of my k.n.o.b off with a hacksaw.
I applied a bit of force to the lower shaft, gave it a couple of jerks and it eventually came off. It was a very happy ending:)

Glad to hear your K.N.O.B issues have been fixed, can't wait for a picture of the new K.N.O.B :p
Well now we have the thread for knob removal just incase anyone's in a stiff situation.
Sounded like it needed a lot of jerking it with pliars and towels.
Though the knob wouldn't give in to all of the owners efforts so he eventually cut abit of it off to make it more manageable. Different kind of cut n shut that I'm used to

Only to replace it with another. I wonder if this will meet the hacksaw or simple tugs will be enough to seeit through the day
Well now we have the thread for knob removal just incase anyone's in a stiff situation.
Sounded like it needed a lot of jerking it with pliars and towels.
Though the knob wouldn't give in to all of the owners efforts so he eventually cut abit of it off to make it more manageable

Only to replace it with another

It's good, just in case someone else is in a situation where even though they've constantly pulled it they get no results, it's actually quite a serious issue come to think of it.