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Yep After 3 years of the K11 - i parted with it Yesterday.

Gutted to see it go, but also happy that i get to move on in the car world etc. So, the question on everyones mind is - what did i get?! Well, i got a New Fiesta, Turbo Diesel, 1.4, Black, 3 door. Will be perect for my work, and also help me save money on bills etc. Get it on Tuesday of this week.

An what will become of the K11? Well to be honest i don't know. They took it as trade against the new car, so Daz was round this morning to help me get loads of stuff off it. Keep your eyes on e-bay BTW as most of it will be on there soon.

So sorry to see this car go, as it really was my pride and Joy. With is i met so many friends, had so many shows and experiencs through it and even won a few awards on the way! Was featured twice, and races at crail more than a few times. Will miss it alot.

Anyway - just to say that i will still be here - will no doubt make a blog about it from first day to last kinda thing.

Titch :kungfu:
