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Cheers guys (Y)

BaM! MoRe PrOgReSs!!!

Last night I cracked into the rear engine mount as soon as I got back from work, K10 rear section spliced into a chunk of the K11 crossmember......

........and fitted  :)

K11 Gear linkage steady bar chopped......................

.....and welded (twice 'cos I got the measurements wrong :p )

I also modified the rear where the mount attaches and drilled the floor to take the K11 mount.

When it got too late for noisy stuff I tried the driveshafts, because I've shifted the engine and box over I only need to cut and shut the short shaft, the long shaft fits!  :cool:

I also measured the exhaust and the driveshaft so that today at work I could order the bits and pieces to do the exhaust and get hold of the the old boy that did the distributor adaptor to knock me up a collar for the driveshaft.

This evening straight after work 24vster and I went down to South Brent with one of the chopper guys from work to borrow his carb balancer, ready for when we get it running :cool:

Once home it was straight out into the garage again, first job was to do the selector rod for the gear linkage (again twice due to my inability to work a tape measure properly  :blush: )

I now have gears! :cool:

Had a bit of a play with the exhaust and then tried the radiator, this was when we discovered that the freshly modified front mount now occupied the space where the bottom hose outlet sits. Off it comes to have the offset moved into the bar, giving the bottom hose room to fit once more............

............however upon refitting the radiator it became apparent that there is insufficient space between the engine side of the mount and the blades of the fan........

.........Nevermind, that'll be a job for tomorrow evening.

Once it had got too late for noise we got the driveshaft stripped down ready for the cut and played around with the hoses.

More soon!
