Moderators be on the lookout.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Just so you know, they won't necessarily be coming from Afghanistan - it's almost infinitely more likely that it's because it's the first option in the drop-down list for when selecting the users' country. Over the past few years it's been a common trend that the bots just tend to use whatever comes up first in the list.



» CMF Member
Member since:
Cheers mipcar, I just removed some more crap too.


Keen to work a little more on the site and fix a few key things up, but this week, my laptop is in for repair. Lucky DELL has international warranty :) How awesome is that, this hell cool Japanese dude rocked up to my apartment with this super perfectly packaged box to pack up my machine and take it back to the "DELL labs" to fix everything up before they express courier it back over to me. Crazy stuff.

That same old awesome Japanese level of customer service etc.

So probably/hopefully next week, I wanna fix a few more key things up.

Many thanks to Mipcar and the other mods who are helping out big time.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Lol. It's a far from perfect place though..

There are flaws to be seen through the cracks, like any place in the world. But on average yeah it's an awesome place and we're having an absolute ball.

The more time I do spend here, the more of certain things I tend to get "out of the system" etc.

Still love the K class cars though. Bought the latest "K Style" magazine yesterday.

Australia actually rated way higher than Japan in the World Quality of Life by country index/ranking results etc. So much free space in Australia, so much freedom, very clean, natural beauty second to none and also so much opportunity if you want to work hard in Australia, it's a lot easier than other countries to get ahead.

Things that I don't miss about Australia: Stupidly high rates of petty crime, common theft and loud/swearing/bone head/bogan types with no manners. Oh don't leave your sunglasses in your car, they'll get stolen! It's common to hear people saying that every day in Australia because that's the way it is. But over here you will see peoples' briefcases and laptops left in coffee shops while they go into the toilet. Total trust system. Expensive cars and bikes parked in the complete open at all hours of the night with no covers/locks or any form of protection. It's not a perfect place, there is crime and it does exist, quite a lot in parts, but on average, the crime is so much than Oz.

It makes me want to come back to Oz and join the feds or be a politician or something and do whatever we can to fix up the petty crime and common trash in Oz. But again, plenty of J trash here too, so again, no place is perfect. Don't go to Kabukicho :p Quite a sight :p Look it up on Google. We saw like 5 young teenage J boys all passed out on the concrete, stone cold, just totally drunk/unconscious/drugs not sure, but pretty sad area, plenty of mafia around too and I've had yakitori next to common mafia (Chinpira - Google it) and they tried to hassle us and I got the idea they were complete scum and we got out of there. No place on earth is perfect :p

I miss many things about Oz and we plan to only live here for probably 12-18 months maximum. We are looking forward to getting back to Oz later on, but for now, this is a blast/adventure and I've gotta get it more outta my system and keep learning to speak more.

Bye 4 now :p


» CMF Member
Member since:
PS Tokyo motor show is on today and the next few days, definitely going to check it out. Maybe get some free handouts/hat or something.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Would love to Seano. How are you going mate?

But right now, we're in the CBD, so I definitely don't have a car space. It's already costing me $3/month for a bicycle space ;P haha.

Would love a K for back home in Oz, wow for sure. Getting parts for regular maintenance tasks might be a hassle though etc, just like owning a k11 heh.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Thanks for killing those mipcar, great one.

There is a subtle problem with the site that I have to fix with logins being muddled sometimes with my 10 year old web site code :0


» CMF Member
cisco WROTE:

"Thanks for killing those mipcar, great one.

There is a subtle problem with the site that I have to fix with logins being muddled sometimes with my 10 year old web site code :0

No worries, I wont worry now. I was concerned the 'bot' had some fail safe thing where it had corrupted my registration.




» CMF Member
Member since:
lol. Yeah it's happened to me too. Then I realised, it was my own bug. On the TO DO list :p