MIDLANDS MEET Sun 4th Dec 05

Hey, I'd appreciate if people could send me ALL photos taken along with a list people who attended and some day details, the Newsletter team will do a write up (with your help)

Thanks and have a good day!
I was just about to ask some 1 to bring a camera so they can take photo's and post them on the site!I aint to clever on computers or i wud do it, any takers for professional msc photographer?
i thought there was a member of the editorial team going to the meet?

i'll take a camera to get some pics

you know what will happen though, 1 rubbish picture for each other car thats there and 50 pictures of my car lol
If I can make it, I'll make sure there are plenty of photo's from the meet and also video.

that reminds me Nis, where's my editing disc :p so I can get all my video uploaded, I would have enough to keep us going for years lol! In fact I must have 2-3 years of mini meets and events.

Get ready to see marks car in every single picture that he posts up!!!!Its about 2minutes in the car for you Kev so you should make it if u aint got note planned!Should be good, am not getting my boot smoothed out until Monday now cause didnt want my car stuck in the bodyshop for the meet!Looking forward to meeting people, c u sunday Ben
Hopefully mine should be lowered now and have a professionally tinted back window,

I'm looking forward to this meet, just dont take a picture of my front wings :(
Mark said:

yeah its to be expected on a car that age,mine however is 2month old and had a mini bus plough into it,,so if i make it don take pics of that quarter please
were still on for tomorrow then?

mark can you give us a bell please mate i cant get through to ya on the number i got on me phone
I will expect every1 to be cleaning there cars at the mo for the midlands meet, looking forward to this, c every1 later
mark seems to have dissapeared off the face of the earth so ill be settin off in a bit

if anyone sees me down there give us a beep and a flash

i aint got the first idea where im goin lol

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