now for my opinion (everyone gasps as Mr Evil himself types his stuff)...
The micra is a cheap car to RUN.. but an expensive car to MAINTAIN...
panels, not a prob, bingle one up and you can get them from ozeparts pretty cheap.
mechanical.. EXPENSIVE.
For example, if you need to change your timing chain(s) or associated parts, get ready to shell out over $1000 in PARTS alone.
New mechanical parts are damn expensive, anx ex Japan/UK. Nissan dealers rarely carry the parts required for Micra's. If you walk in and say "i need a door trim" or "a bumper" or "a gear selector rod", they will say, sure thing, it'll be 2 weeks (or more)
Parts are not as easy to get as some people think (new parts anyway).. if you live EAST of aus.. you will probably have a tad more luck than us westerners.. (some of our nissan parts come from east, but are more often than not, ordered direct from JAPAN).
It might cost a bit to maintain, but it's an "easy" car to maintain, very simple lay out, very straight forward motor/mechanicals. You can do most mechanical work on the car yourself probably, even if you only own a socket set.
Many micra's were used as either hire cars, or learning vehicles in australia, meaning many are either thrashed, bent, or ex-prang cars or all of the above, you will need to be careful when buying one. it's okay to buy one that's had damage, so long as it's well repaired. (mine had panels replaced as it was in a bingle, but the chassis is straight and everything is fine
I gotta admit, it's a fun car to have. Add the whiteline suspension (all of it) and you wont be able to get the smile off your dial... all the micra really needs is some GRUNT. unfortunately it's really underpowered (but what do you expect for a car like this)
A well built car that out-classes it's rival's (such as hyundai excel) mainly due to build quality.
The micra has cool features which other cars skimp on.. such as (my favourite feature), a fuel lid holder inside the fuel door. I love sitting my fuel cap in that holder as I fill up at the servo, no putting the cap on the roof of the car... well fitting interior panels, easy to access wiring, many compartments, nice layout of interior...
I could go on forever. I should write a "james review" of the Micra. I've not been a Micra owner for as long as some of the die hard's around here, but this is an honest review from someone that has owned some seriously modified, and classier cars in the past...
The micra has a feel, or a presence if you like... an aura, some kind of cult following and feeling.
I'm looking forward to driving my Micra home from work