Micra k10 cd player problem

Have searched up and down cannot find the answer
Bough a g reg 5 speed k10 today, lovely car 83k on the clock alot of papers and little extra's

My problem is it had a headunit in there however not wired up, so i looked for the connections in the back to connect my pioneer and it only has one standard connection and one radio aerial wire, is this correct as normally my cars have 2 standard connections where then i purchase iso connections off ebay however in this case i cannot find what i need as all the iso for k10 on evay have 2 standard connections
And if it makes a difference i have front door speakers only
Can anyone send me the link for the iso lead please thank you

I'm not sure if this will help, but, I mashed a CD player into my K10 recently. The car's harness is not ISO connector compatible (too old!) so I went freestyle and worked it out with a multimeter.


The picture shows my 'testing it works' wiring, I chopped and joined everything properly once I proved it worked. Black is earth, red and yellow are power (one permanent, the other switched) and the purples are speakers. If your stereo works but loses its memory (time, settings etc) when you turn the ignition off, swap the red and yellow wires round. Also, I only had one speaker in the car at that point (came with a mono radio from the factory!) so that's why there's only one speakers worth of wires!

Anyhow, hope that helps.