Micra CC spark plugs


Does anybody know what spark plugs should I use for 1.6 Micra CC?
The guys from the service shop don't have in stock the plugs and they told me I have to wait 20 days if they issue an replacement order.
So, I need to find the plugs on my own if I want to use the car sooner than 20 days.
The problem is that they didn't know exactly the serial number of the plugs and although I've searched the net, all I've found are plugs for the 1.4 Micra. I've already bought some NGK LFR5AP-11 plugs and they are only good for 1.4 Micras :(

Please help.


In the meantime I've managed to find what is the serial number of the sparks I need and I'll post it here, maybe will help other people:

PLZKAR5AP-11 - hot
PLZKAR6AP-11 - standard
PLZKAR7AP-11 - cold

But I still don't understand what exactly I should buy, the hot one, the standard one or the cold one?

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