Manual window operation problems

Hey People

The manual winder unit has stopped working, went down half way, now it refuses to go up and down.

Are these car a pain to get to ? Anyone got an picture explaining how these works?

i got electric windows so i got no helpful pics, but your best bet is probably to take the door card of and see yourself whats going on. its not hard, just couple of screws.
Cheers mate, on a quick inspection, there doesn't seem to be any screw to remove the door cards?

This is a W-reg micra :)

remove all trim off the door like winder handle, grip handle and door opening handle trim. peek between the door card and door frame to locate the several push-on clips, slip a flat head screwdriver next to the clips (only between the door frame and the plastic lip of the clip, not the hardwood board otherwise you'll be forcing the clip off the hardwood board and wrecking it) and pry the plastic clips off the door frame.
could illustrate if needed