Hey guys!,
I have another question for you,have electronic dizzy fitted to my race ma 10 race car,
the trouble is i dont know what car its off of,its obviously a Nissan as thats printed on it,
it has the vacuum advance as well all the same as the old ma10 but electronic,does anyone.
know what car this came out off?,also(theres always an also)!,how are the ma10 rev limited?.
does this dizzy have a rev limiter fitted into it,if not how are they "protected" from a clown like me
or (joe public) from over reving it and blown the CRAP out of it???....
It easy to tell when you've gone too far as it'll take a while to pick back up as you've dropped off the powerband. Its less than you think you wanna be on the torque through bends and on the power for straights :)
Ok guys thanks for the info once again,(much appreciated) the only problem i have is a fifteen year old son to TRY and
tell this to!:confused:,you know what their like,drive it like they stole it,and i'll be the one to pick up the pieces!,no matter i'd
rather do this and spend time with him,(they will be all grown up soon enough)they think anyway,
thanks again chaps
More than welcome :)
Worst case scenario block of wood under accelerator
Maybe fit a small rev gauge with a shift light? He'll feel like he's in fast n furious and play along
for a cheaper alternative, ive picked up a cheap adjustable shift light off ebay with the intention for it to drive a 5 pin relay (instead of the LED) which will cut the earth to the coil. Still gotta test it though and see what the reaction time of the relay is
Ok thanks RTL!,i dont understand how the relay will actually earth the coil but i'll wait and see how you get on!
best of luck mate,please come back with the result!
you can wire up a 5 pin relay which will keep the earth side of the coil connected till you activate the relay and it disconnect the circuit
heard it all now,,,, block of wood under the peddle...and playing with rota arms fitting a shift light or rev counter still will not stop you over reving the engine,, just like sn 31 says fit a rev limiter
heard it all now,,,, block of wood under the peddle...and playing with rota arms fitting a shift light or rev counter still will not stop you over reving the engine,, just like sn 31 says fit a rev limiter
No but they're aids to encourage changing gear