Lost all car keys.. what's my best option?!

Hi all,

I've been a complete idiot and lost both my Micra K11 car keys in rapid succession.

I spoke to Nissan and they can replace it with a remote key for £200, or a half finished looking key for £120.

Oddly, they said it doesn't cost any more because I've lost both keys, it's just that a new key is £200.

All I really want is a non-remote locking key, is there a cheaper option?

I'd appreciate any help; I could really do with a cheaper option than that!

Many thanks,
i dunno about a cheaper option as the cars with nats etc. need to be programmed iirc and thats how they make their money :(
if its a non-nats, maybe you could swap the keys, door lock barrel and steering column with another micra in scrappies?

or even cheaper temporary way could be a flathead screwdriver and hammer? :p
if its a non-nats, maybe you could swap the keys, door lock barrel and steering column with another micra in scrappies?

or even cheaper temporary way could be a flathead screwdriver and hammer? :p

If its NATS, the scrappy option is keys, locks, ECU, Immobiliser Control Module,......... But it maybe as costly an option as going to a nissan stealer. But as far as I'm aware, there is TWO types of NATS............, depending on the year of your car.

Frank could verify if i am correct or not!
i've read that nats 1 is a remote immobiliser and nats 2 has the coded red chip in the key

Sounds about right, although nearly all the 90's nissans i've worked at, either had no immobiliser, or the one with the red chip in key.

Frank maybe able to put us on the right track
my old 95 super s was nats 1 with the 2 button remote, and my misses,s 96 1.0 has the red chip key, my current 94 steed has sweet fa :grinning: (thank god)
not sure with nissans but one of my neighbors had her keys nicked for a rover she had.

depending on how old it is you can get the key number and have that cut at any decent lock smith place, unfortunately the rover was just off the database as it was too old, so my dad took out one of the door lock barrels, took it to a locksmiths and he read the lock and cut the keys for it.

obviously this would only work if its non nats
i've just bought a '93 L reg K11 and the previous owner had lashed the key in the bin by mistake,so he took out the drivers' door lock barrel and took it to a key specialist in Liverpool,who read the lock and cut a new key,cost £15,also got a key number with it for future ref.if another key was needed etc.
so if your car is an old one like this then thats probably your best bet,assuming all the locks worked off the same key? i picked up a '98 micra last year for selling and that had 3 different keys!! -drivers door/ignition/fuel flap on NATS key,then smaller ones for passenger door,and boot.
i run a 51-plate 1.0S as my daily driver works hack and that has the NATS system,with a blue chip in the key,luckily i got both keys with it as i bought it from the only owners from new. i think the NATS started with the '98 R-plate on facelifted cars? but i am no expert on micras.one reason i've joined this forum to hopefully find out a few things!!
Hi all,

I've been a complete idiot and lost both my Micra K11 car keys in rapid succession.

I spoke to Nissan and they can replace it with a remote key for £200, or a half finished looking key for £120.

Oddly, they said it doesn't cost any more because I've lost both keys, it's just that a new key is £200.

All I really want is a non-remote locking key, is there a cheaper option?

I'd appreciate any help; I could really do with a cheaper option than that!

Many thanks,

anything happend?
So, is there an alternative supplier/programmer of a NATS key, other than a dealer? Or are we in for a £95 (epay) lockset, steering column with ecu and transponder?
I'm in the same silly boat as OP
That is really bad. Getting both the keys lost inquick time really hurt. And the answer of your question is that I have also made a new key for my ford car but not from dealer but from a locksmith, AutoKeySquad. They are master in to provide you replacement key and their service is so good. You can also try their service in your case.
Hi all.
Sorry for posting in this old thread but I would like to share my experience with a lost key for my K11. This happened a month ago. After I lost the key MSC was the first place to get an advice from. So as per the advises I rang the locksmith........and a second one, and a third one......totally 7 in and around Swindon, Wiltshire. So the 24/7 service is a 24/7....VOICEMAIL!!! Couldn't get a locksmith on Saturday, and on Sunday, and on Monday. Finally one replied on Wednesday. He had a good rating in checkatrade.com. We agreed on the price - £150. He will come, he will make the key from the door lock, he will program the key, I will pay. So far so good. He came, made the key, heeeey I can unlock my car. Then he faced troubles with the key programming - his device could not communicate with the car. Tried many times....no, no and NO! So he said "Please pay me £40 for the key and I will come tomorrow with a friend of mine. He has all the equipment for Nissan and we will program the key". I said "Fair enough" and paid the 40 quid. And that was all. I waited for another week, texting and calling his phone and leaving messages to the 24/7 voicemail. Nothing happened. He never appear. Luckily I work in AUDI and before that I used to work as a valeter in Nissan, so I know some people. What I did at the end of the second week seeking a proper locksmith and fighting with windmills. Asked one of my colleagues - driver to get the towing bar and the service van. He came with the van and we towed the car to Fish Brothers Nissan. Left the car there around 1 PM. On the next day I received a message saying that my car is ready for collection. Job done. How much I paid - £40 for blank key to the locksmith who was 'supposed to come the next day with his friend', £29.73 for programming the key in Nissan. I asked what will be the price of a new key if I come again. So it will be £85....something.

1. You lost your key of your Nissan Micra K11 - find a way to go to official Nissan dealer and they will do your key for approx. £86 from scratch.
2. Useless to call locksmiths. They will bring a 24/7 voicemail service, or will charge you twice the price of the dealer, or both.
3. Some thing I didn't know at that time - in UK It's not illegal to tow a car with rope if you don't have towing bar or the recovery will cost you a fortune.

I hope this post will be useful. Down-below there is a list of some of the locksmiths I called. If the Admin or the Moderators find the list inappropriate, please delete and accept my apologies. So...:

carkeyadvice.com with 0844 phone No.
the others I can't remember
Interesting. My old girl never had a chip in the key, it was pretty busted up, my new car opens the door and fires the ignition as well. That key is busted up as well. Neither car's central locking worked, or works.
Interesting. My old girl never had a chip in the key, it was pretty busted up, my new car opens the door and fires the ignition as well. That key is busted up as well. Neither car's central locking worked, or works.
Why not get the key all fixed up davy. It's only about a tenner for 2 new switches a battery and a whole new surround.

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